4 astronants for V-Mars 1 chosen

[su_row][su_column size=”3/4″]Alexandre Mangeot is a French aerospace engineer. He holds a master degree in mechanical from ParisTech university. The master has been concluded with the participation at the summer school of the Community of Ariane Cities, in Hambourg. He participated to the rewarded study about adaptation of Ariane 5 to human space flights. He has…

4 astronants for V-Eras 1 chosen

[su_row][su_column size=”3/4″]Alexandre Mangeot is a French aerospace engineer. He holds a master degree in mechanical from ParisTech university. The master has been concluded with the participation at the summer school of the Community of Ariane Cities, in Hambourg. He participated to the rewarded study about adaptation of Ariane 5 to human space flights. He has…

VALS Semester of Code

VALS Semester of Code is a program that offers students the chance to write code for open source projects. The projects IMS is proposing relate to the development of the Command, Control and Communication (C3) System as part of the European MaRs Analog Station for Advanced Technologies Integration (ERAS) program, which IMS is currently spearheading.…

Call for Volunteers for V-ERAS 2014

The Italian Mars Society is seeking four volunteers to participate as members of the crew of the Virtual European MaRs Analogue Station (V-ERAS) during a simulation of human Mars exploration operations. The mission will take place in Madonna di Campiglio, Trento, Italy from December 7, 2014 through December 14, 2014 As currently planned, the crew…

22-23 maggio 2014, Sperlonga (LT) – Italia: VI International AgroSpace Workshop

Il 22 e 23 Maggio 2014, nella suggestiva cornice offerta dalla città di Sperlonga (LT), si terrà il 6° Convegno Internazionale AgroSpazio. L’obiettivo del Convegno è la presentazione e la discussione dei recenti sviluppi nel campo della Sperimentazione in Ambienti Estremi di sistemi controllati di produzione agricola e di sistemi di supporto vitale per applicazioni…

V-ERAS: un ambiente virtuale per il training degli equipaggi di esplorazione planetaria

La European MaRs Analogue Station for Advanced Technologies Integration (ERAS – www.erasproject.org) è un programma guidato dall’Italian Mars Society (IMS) il cui scopo principale è quello di fornire un banco di prova efficace per studi operativi in preparazione di missioni con uomini a bordo per Marte. Preliminarmente alla costruzione dell’ERAS, l’IMS ha avviato lo sviluppo…