Rocket Course

Free Webinar on Rocket Course

Day Left before the Free Space Webinar where you will learn how to build and launch a rocket 🚀 and discuss about trending topics of space exploration 🌎 Limited Seats left đź•Ą To all partecipants a special discount on the Rocket Course Rocket Course ( Don’t miss out the opportunity by Registering Now. You are…

Orizzonti Infiniti

Orizzonti Infiniti second meeting

After the huge success of the first meeting the second step of Orizzonti Infiniti (Italian only) ( scheduled May 10. The floor is for the industry to discuss about Space Economy with Walter Cugno of Thales Alenia Space , Laura Agazzi (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Claudia Facchinetti Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Massimiliano Musazzi, Optec SpA…

Second Edition of Orizzonti Infiniti :

Another important step in the development of Seriana Space Valley: The second edition of Orizzonti Infiniti (Italian only) ( (  starts in May. As educational / cultural branch of Seriana Space Valley, Orizzonti Infiniti will also talk about space economy with Walter Cugno of Thales Alenia Space An incredible team composed by Filippo Servalli, our CTO Antonio Del Mastro, the organization lead…

Report SMOPS

Final Report of the SMOPS mission on line

After some time the public report of the smops mission is finally online: In the report we describe the main experiments carried out during the mission. Thanks to our SMOPS crew, to make it possible: Vittorio Netti,Paolo Guardabasso, Luca Rossettini, Nadia Maarouf, PhD, Simone Paternostro, Benjamin Pothier, Ph.D #spacesimulation #spaceexploration #spacetechnology

Mars Antenna


The Mars Antenna, a project developed in partnership with D-ORBIT ( is ready for a new experiment. After having tested the antenna in the SMOPS ( mission, and having been further upgraded, it will soon be used in an experiment in Italy. Thanks to the SMOPS crew: Luca Rossettini D-orbit CEO , Vittorio Netti, Paolo Guardabasso, Nadia Maarouf, PhD , Simone Paternostro, Benjamin Pothier,…


Another step in the development of Seriana Space Valley. We organize 21 March 11.00 am CET a webinar of the introduction of the project.   Our webinar will cover: Seriana Space Valley Mission: Vision and objectives for new horizons in the space industry. Opportunity Size: The potential and outlook in the space sector, and how…

Biophilic Design in Space

Biophilic design in Space

Biophilic design, which incorporates elements of nature into built environments, holds immense potential for improving the psychological well-being of astronauts living in confined spaces in space. Here’s how biophilic design can specifically address the challenges of space psychology: Connection to Nature: Biophilic design aims to create environments that mimic natural settings, even in the artificial…